Log Jams
Metaphors are useful for creative ways to convey ideas, concepts, and protocols. I get inspired during my hikes or when I’m writing in my morning journal and come up with some creative ones.
On a recent hike on my local mountain, I thought about how SMGI® is the “log jam remover” for blocks—logs—in one’s subconscious, where the logs represent clutter to clear. One can ask for a lumberjack (ideal inner presence or ally) to assist in moving these logs and send them down the river of one’s life to be recycled, repurposed, or whatever is most beneficial.
Logs from fragmented parts, in the form of trauma or issues to be cleared, are removed and sent down the river after being rescued and integrated back into wholeness.
The inner river gets jammed with these logs, both upstream and downstream, and some of the tributaries are also blocked, resulting in restricted movement. SMGI® is a gently powerful way to remove those log jams, allowing the river to flow more fluidly and freely, with the ultimate goal of having an unimpeded full, vibrant and vital energy coursing through the inner landscape.