Being The Journeyer
Years ago, there was a TV commercial about hair replacement and restoration for men, where the owner, Sy Sperling, famously quipped “I’m not only the Hair Club president, but I’m also a client”. The success of his business, in part, was due to having had direct experience of hair loss, thus able to relate to others in the same situation.
Being An Agent For Your Subconscious
Many clients who work with me, and have never experienced SMGI®, are often amazed at how much agency they have in their inner world.
SMGI® and Medicine Journeys
In recent years, medicine journeys have taken the spotlight as a way to support healing in addition to expanding consciousness through their psychoactive components. Micro-dosing of psilocybin and LSD are also becoming more and more prevalent as alternative therapeutic modalities.
Noticing Clues on the Path
Do you believe in miracles? Are there instances where you meet the right people at the right time in the right place that presents an opportunity to shift into a new way of being? Have you ever experienced a book falling off the bookstore shelf in front of you, and it’s exactly the book you were looking for?
Waiting For The Flow
Sometimes, when I experience a powerful journey into my inner world, I choose to write poems, instead of journaling, to flesh out the details. I wrote this poem about being blocked energetically, and how I rescued the part of me that was stuck.
Artist Prayer
I’ve learned that prayers and blessings are a very important part of connecting to beneficial energy, and that one doesn’t need to be religious to experience the power of thoughts and intentions. The following prayer is something I came up with as a result of doing the exercises in “The Artist’s Way” (see previous posts). I invite you to create your own suited to what’s most beneficial for you.
The One With Poetry In His Throat
Artistic expression is many things for many people, and to me, poetry is, in part, therapy. As a struggling teenager, I was writing snippets of thoughts and feelings here and there, not realizing how cathartic it was. So, how does this tie in with SMGI®? Read on.
The Artist’s Way & Morning Pages
In 1992, Julie Cameron, an author, artist and poet (among other talents she possesses) wrote a wildly popular book called “The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity.” This self-help book was written to help people with artistic creative recovery, which teaches techniques and exercises to assist people in gaining self-confidence in harnessing their creative talents and skills. (Wikipedia)